Alexander’s Great Contract of Love

“See the whole world as your homeland, with laws common to all, where the best will govern regardless of their race.” Alexander the Great, Opis, (Iraq) 324 BC

Many assume Alexander’s “Greatness” to be based solely upon his courage in battle and his undefeated status in war. Yet his vision, philosophical outlook, fair and just judgments, commitment to prayer before and after each engagement and his devotion to God and his Gurus are the eternal values to which he can rightly be praised. The “Oath of Opis” reveals the authentic nature of his nobility and his  worthiness of the  title of “The Great”.

We all know of his many battles, which he never lost, yet few know he organized 100s of Religious Festivals all through Asia as he marched towards India.

He married and truly loved a Princess named Roxanne (Rukshana) from the modern region of North Afghanistan and Uzbekistan. She saved his life by bonding with King Puru as his sister through the  Raksha Bandhan rite.

When Alexander fell off his horse Bucephalus, in the battle, King Puru lifted his arm for the kill. Yet upon seeing the Raksha Bandan locket upon his wrist, he didn’t have the heart to widow his Dharmic sister, thus allowing Alexander to remount and rejoin the battle.

Upon victory Alexander then asked King Puru,”How would you like to be treated?” King Puru replied, “Like a King.” Alexander agreed, befriended him and refused to claim any of King Puru’s lands.

The title The Great was actually given by the later Romans. In his own time he was called Invincible after the Oracle of Delphi declared, ‘You are invincible, my son.’

Upon entering Jerusalem, the entire city welcomed him as a liberator. “When Alexander sees Jaddus dressed in the robes of the High Priest and in a turban adorned with a gold plate engraved with the Hebrew name of God (the four Hebrew consonants “YHWH” commonly rendered in English as “Jehovah”) , “he approached by himself, and adored that name, and first saluted the high-priest.”

Alexander was again welcomed as a liberator in Egypt where he embarked on his famous pilgrimage to Siwa. Later Egyptian carvings depict Alexander being given the Staff of Kingship as the Pharaoh of Egypt by a Blue colored Amun Ra/Vishnu.  (As seen in images added to this post.)

Alexander the Great at the Oracle of Amun, Siwa.Liebig collectors card, 1950 Alamy Stock photo

After he decreed all citizens as equal, be they Persian, Greek, Macedonian or Indian, many of his elite Macedonians felt slighted. After much wrangling his Macedonians apologized and were forgiven. He then arranged a banquet in which he made the famous “Oath of Opis”. In this oath one recognizes the true Greatness of Alexander.

“The occasion culminated with Alexander’s speech also known as Alexander’s “Oath”. Even today the leaders of states and international organizations consider it as their guiding light.”

The “Oath” of Alexander the Great
(OPIS, 324 BC)

“Now that the wars are coming to an end, I wish you all to prosper in peace.

From now on, may all mortals live as one people, in fellowship, for the good of all.

See the whole world as your homeland, with laws common to all, where the best will govern regardless of their race.

Unlike the narrow-minded, I make no distinction between Greeks and Barbarians.

I am not interested in the origin of the citizens, or the race into which they were born.

I have only one criterion by which to distinguish them: their virtue.

For me, any good foreigner is a Greek and any bad Greek is worse than a Barbarian.

If disputes ever arise among you, do not resort to weapons, but solve them peacefully.

If needed, I will arbitrate between you.

See God, not as an autocratic despot, but as the common father of all so that your conduct will be like the life of siblings of the same family.

I, on my part, see you all as equal, whether you are white or dark-skinned.

And I wish you all to be not only subjects of the Commonwealth, but members of it, partners of it.

To the best of my ability, I will strive to do what I have promised.

Let us hold onto the oath we have taken tonight with our libations as a Contract of Love”.

Evidences regarding the historicity of Alexander’s Oath

Evidences regarding the historicity of Alexander’s Jerusalem Visit

Alexander Annointed Pharaoh by Amun Ra

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